Syrahmi Grenache 750ML

Colour can be deceptive, Pinot like. It’s all about the lifted perfume and sweet scents of wild raspberries and cherry. Luscious, unctuously textured fresh fruits, cherry ripe and baked red earth of classic Heathcote soil, think spent shotgun cartridge. Medium bodied with good glycerin mouth feel and fresh thyme. Soft...


Food & Beverage > Spirits

7 In Stock

Colour can be deceptive, Pinot like. It’s all about the lifted perfume and sweet scents of wild raspberries and cherry. Luscious, unctuously textured fresh fruits, cherry ripe and baked red earth of classic Heathcote soil, think spent shotgun cartridge. Medium bodied with good glycerin mouth feel and fresh thyme. Soft velvety texture, very fine and long tannin (50% whole bunch) with sweet mid palate of dried red earth, raspberry and spice.