"Hibiki is the paragon of harmony - launched in 1989 to commemorate Suntory's philosophy of living in harmony with people and nature. The name Hibiki means "resonance" in Japanese. Suntory Whisky Hibiki resonates with the subtleties of nature infused by the 24 seasons of Japan's traditional calendar and reflected in...
"Hibiki is the paragon of harmony - launched in 1989 to commemorate Suntory's philosophy of living in harmony with people and nature. The name Hibiki means "resonance" in Japanese. Suntory Whisky Hibiki resonates with the subtleties of nature infused by the 24 seasons of Japan's traditional calendar and reflected in the 24 facets of its bottle's design. Hibiki is a noble blend of innumerous malt and grain whiskies from Suntory's acclaimed distilleries, and is embraced as an icon of Japanese luxury from the award-winning House of Suntory Whisky."