Aimex Australia Maifan Stone Cartridge For 20 litre Water Purifier

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The Aimex Water Maifan Stone Cartridge contains enough quantity of stones which last for years.

According to Chinese Medicine History, it has been in use from many centuries, according to the Compendium of Material Medica written by Li Shizen in Ming Dynasty, a great herbalist: Maifan Stones regularly imported in Japan and South Korea, and since it is popular as " Stone of Health".

The Pure Maifan Stones from China were sourced from inner Mongolia and Shangdong where it is known as a regular practice for health reason.

The Maifan Stones has very important element traces such as Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, and Manganese which are well known Human Body's requirement on a daily bases.

Most important benefits are like Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Relieve, pH balance and detoxification properties of the Maifan Stones.

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